FAB Football and Netball Saturday Tournament

On Saturday the 10th March, The Regis School hosted the Felpham and Bognor area Netball and Football tournament. In total, 10 schools were in attendance: Rose Green Juniors, Bishop Tufnell, Downview, Bersted Green, St. Mary’s, Bartons, Edward Bryant, South Bersted, Nyewood Juniors and Southway. It was great to see so many children taking part in the day and equally as great to see the sheer volume of support they received from parents and friends who came to cheer them on, despite the adverse weather conditions. A special thank you needs to be made to The Regis School Sports Leaders who gave up their Saturday morning to referee and umpire the tournament, without them the event could not have taken place.

All of the schools that competed in the football tournament had entered teams into both the A League, and the B League which made the tournament even more exciting than usual as it meant one of the schools, potentially, had an opportunity to win two football trophies. The boys that took part were a credit to themselves and conducted themselves to the highest standard of sportsmanship.

The Netball tournament was equally as successful, it was great to see boys and girls working well together within their own mixed gender teams and again, they all conducted themselves to the highest standard. Again, certain schools entered two teams, one into the A and one into the B League. Within both leagues, the teams had the opportunity to play against all teams in a ‘round robin’ format. A huge congratulations to the winners of the B League, Rose Green Juniors! Massive congratulations to Edward Bryant who came in third place of the A league, Rose Green Juniors who came in second place and Downview who won the A League!

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